I do understand well that for foreigner, taking a local bus is concerning. I hope this blog helps you coming from Obihiro 帯広 to my kennel by local bus 拓殖バス.
This is a Obihiro Bus Terminal 帯広バスターミナル, in front of JR Obihiro Station north side 帯広駅の北側.
There are several sign board in the terminal, take #4 for going Lake Shikaribetsu and Mushing Works.
Before you get on the bus, you should get a reasonable ticket at the office.
Check the bus route No.
51番 帯広 〜 鹿追 〜 然別湖
No.51 Obihiro - Shikaoi - Lake Shikaribetus
53番 新得 〜 鹿追 〜 帯広
No.53 Shintoku - Shikaoi - Obihiro
For morning tour, take the #51 bus at 07:52.
For afternoon tour, take the #51 bus at 11:00.
For sun set tour, take the #51 bus at 13:40.
Enter the bus from middle door.
As you enter the bus, take a ticket from the dispenser for each person.
This yellow box is ticket dispenser.
Morning Tour - get off at Riding Park ライディングパーク at 09:15.
We pick you up and take you to kennel by car.
Afternoon Tour - get off at Riding Park ライディングパーク at 12:15.
When getting off
When the bus stop name of your destination is announced or indicated on the electric bulletin board at the front.
Please press a button set up in front of your seat or on handrails to tell the driver you are alighting.
When arriving at the bus stop, please proceed forward to the exit and pay the fare before getting off. Please don’t touch the door, as it opens automatically.
Fares vary depending on the distance you ride and adult fares are indicated on the electric bulletin board at the front. Please pay your fare when alighting.
Please check your ticket number and fare on the bulletin board and throw coins into the fare slot.
If you get a VISIT TOKACHI PASS already, just give the ticket to bus driver.
Fare & Ticket slot for coin.
It shows 運賃.
Money exchange slot / fare slot for bill
If you don’t have small money, 1000-yen notes, 500-, 100-, and 50-yen coins can be broken by putting them into money exchange slots.